12th VDS 24th to 26th Octobre
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Registration and Submissions

Registrations and Submissions


Inscriptions for VDS 2020 must be made exclusively through the online form to be made available shortly.

Registration must be made by October 11, in order to take advantage of the prices indicated below. After this date, they will suffer a 100% increase. No more participants will be admitted from 25 October.

The inscriptions have different modalities, on which the most relevant aspects are indicated:

  • Registration includes coffee breaks, mini-course certificate, ribbon and access card and folder (with other information) and VDS Book, with all articles approved by the Scientific Committee
  • Lunch on the 30th is NOT included. Only lunches from the 29th and 31st are included.
  • Some of the mini-courses from days 29 and 31 are 4 hours, others are 8 hours and there are some 16 hours;


Registration Modalities:

  • Registration Complete days 29th and 30th (Participants in previous editions and Registered Participants: 40€; Remaining Participants: 50€)
  • Registration Complete days 30th and 31th (Participants in previous editions and Registered Participants: 40€; Remaining Participants: 50€)
  • Registration Complete days 29th to 31th (Participants in previous editions and Registered Participants: 55€; Remaining Participants: 65€)
  • Registration Complete days 29th to 31th - Mini-Courses of 16 hours (Participants in previous editions and Registered Participants: 90€; Remaining Participants: 95€)
  • Registration only for the 30th (Any Participant: 20€).

Any of the registration modalities do NOT include the lunch of the 30th. If you wish to enter lunch on this day, you must check this option at the end of the registration form. It costs €12.50.

The lunches will be provided by a specialized company for this purpose, exclusively for the VDS on the three days of the congress. Lunches will be served in the restaurant space, in the galleries of the Dr. Magalhães Pessoa Stadium.

Any questions about the entries should be clarified only through the address: vdseg@vdseg.pt

The payment of entries must be made within fifteen days of the date on which each registered person receives the mail message with the payment details. This period applies to entries made until 1 October. From 1 October, payment must be made on the day of registration or the next day.

If there is no payment in the indicated time spaces, the registration will be deleted.



Articles that are approved by the Scientific Committee for publication in the VDS 2020 Book will also be published in RCAAP – Scientific Repository of Open Access of Portugal.

Important dates
Authors' Notification
Article Submission (4 to 10 pages) (Scientific paper to be submitted to the Scientific Committee for peer review)



Article resubmission after review (Scientific paper to be submitted to the Scientific Committee for peer review) 17/07/2020 31/07/2020
Delivery of the final version 13/09/2020  
Poster - preparation confirmation 11/10/2020  


Deadlines for registration: Deadline
Deadline for Registration with the stipulated prices 11/10/2020
Deadline for Registration with penalty of 100% 12 to 25/10/2020
Registration deadline for an article to be included in the proceedings 20/09/2020



The authors should suggest the best framework for the work they submit, without prejudice to the rearrangement on the part of the Organizing Committee.

For the practical purposes of structuring and managing abstracts/articles, the following main groupings are considered:
1. Prevention and Emergency Management
2. Safety at Work (multiple themes)
3. Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health (multiple themes)
4. Ergonomics
5. Risk Analysis and Assessment / Occupational Risk Management
6. OSH legislation and training; impact of legislation and/or impact of training
7. Psychosociology of Work
8. Occupational Health

However, in order to stimulate the presentation of less frequent topics and open perspectives for study and multifaceted research, studies and work in the following areas will be particularly valued:
 ■Human and Behavioral Factors
 ■Psycho-Social Risk Factors
 ■Emerging risks in new technologies (nanomaterials, new equipment, etc.)
 ■Management: Cost-Benefit Analysis of OSH; Productivity and Safety; Performance Indicators
 ■Age and Work, Gender and Work (risks involving workers considered most vulnerable)
 ■Occupational Safety in the face of "other aspects" of safety, e.g. food safety, operational safety (risks of activity), road safety, public safety, etc.

- Posters must be prepared in letter that allows their viewing at least 2m away and according to the model provided on this page. Posters will only be accepted for exhibition if the abstract is approved for publication.

- The articles must comply with the structure and contents contained in the template available on this page.

- Preferably, articles written in Portuguese are admitted. However, articles written in Castilian or English will also be admitted.

- Items must be sent to vdseg@vdseg.pt

The VDS 2020 Book of Articles and Communications will be prepared by Simões & Linhares (http://www.simoeselinhares.pt).







The Submission of Articles must be made according to the models made available, ensuring the scrupulous compliance with the rules in the same explicit.

Submissions in pdf format will not be accepted for Articles.

Posters may be submitted in pdf format, but must be prepared in PowerPoint, with the dimensions and contents explicit in the Word template on them. Participation with Poster implies registration in the event. Articles accepted for publication that are not presented orally will be presented in poster form.

The publication of a full Article can only take place if at least one of the authors (not belonging to any of the VDS Commissions) is registered by the date indicated by the Organizing Committee, via message.

In the event of a dispute, the participant may use an Alternative Consumer Dispute Resolution Entity: CNIACC - National Center for Information and Arbitration of Consumer Disputes; Faculty of Law, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Campolide Campus, 1099-032 Lisbon

Tel.: 213 847 484 / 91 922 55 40; Fax: 213 845 201;

E-mail: cniacc@fd.unl.pt;

Web: www.arbitragemdeconsumo.org;

(Art. 18 - Law No. 144/2015, of 8 September)"

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