12th VDS 24th to 26th Octobre
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29th Octubre

Day dedicated to Mini-Courses - Magalhães Pessoa Stadium (West Wing)


08:30 - Reception and Distribution of Information

09:00 - Mini-Courses (4 hours) (30 vacancies each)

  • to be indicated soon

14:30 - Mini-Courses (4 hours) (30 vacancies each)

  • to be indicated soon


09:00 - Mini-Courses (8 hours) (30 vacancies each)

  • to be indicated soon      


09:00 - Mini-Courses (16 hours) (30 vacancies each)

  • to be indicated soon      

11:00 - Coffee break

13:30 - Lunch

16:00 - Coffee break



20:00 - Social Dinner of the Congress (upon payment and prior registration)

Dr. Magalhães Pessoa Municipal Stadium, Gate 1
Arrabalde d'Aquém,
2400-137 Leiria


At the VDS Social Dinner we will have the presence of a musical group.

30th Octubre - Conferences

Magalhães Pessoa Stadium (West Wing) Events Gallery


08:00 - Reception and Distribution of Documentation

09:15 - Opening Session

- Dr. Gonçalo Lopes (President of CM de Leiria)

- Dra. Luísa Guimarães (ACT Inspector General)  

- Eng. António Lousada (Vice-President of OET)

- Prof. Dr. Paulo dos Marques (President of the CC of VDS)

- Prof. Dr. Miguel Corticeiro Neves (President of ASVDS)

09:45 - 1st Panel - Title to be defined

- lecturer to be confirmed - "theme to be defined" (20' max)

- lecturer to be confirmed - "theme to be defined" (20' max)

- lecturer to be confirmed - "theme to be defined" (20' max)

- Panel Moderator - Dra. Isabel Santos (ASVDS)

10:45 - Coffee break

11:00 - Posters in Action!!!

- Time space to visit the posters, with the presence of the authors, for clarification (30' max)

- Voting for best poster

11:30 - 2nd Panel - Title to be defined

- lecturer to be confirmed - "theme to be defined" (20' max)

- lecturer to be confirmed - "theme to be defined" (20' max)

- lecturer to be confirmed - "theme to be defined" (20' max)

- Panel Moderator - to be defined (ASVDS)

12:45 - Free Lunch

14:00 - 3rd Panel - Technical-Practical

- practical theme 1

- practical theme 2

- Panel Rapporteur - Eng. Ribeiro da Silva

15:00 - 4th Panel - Title to be defined

- lecturer to be confirmed - "theme to be defined" (20' max)

- lecturer to be confirmed - "theme to be defined" (20' max)

- lecturer to be confirmed - "theme to be defined" (20' max)

- Panel Moderator - Doctor António Moreno (Un. Extremadura)

16:00 - Coffee break

16:30 - 5th Panel - Title to be defined

- lecturer to be confirmed - "theme to be defined" (15' max)

- lecturer to be confirmed - "theme to be defined" (15' max)

- lecturer to be confirmed - "theme to be defined" (20' max)

- Panel Moderator - Mst. Hélder Simões (ESTeS Coimbra)

17:30 - Closing Session

- Dr. Carlos Jorge Pereira (National Director of Occupational Safety and Health Promotion Services, ACT)

- Prof. Dr. António Moreno (Vice-President of the CC of VDS)

- Prof. Dr. Corticeiro Neves (President of ASVDS)

17:45 - End of conference day

30th October - Technical-Scientific Papers

Auditorium of The Magalhães Pessoa Stadium (West Wing)


09:45 - SP1 - Title to be defined

- Author to indicate - theme to indicate

- Author to indicate - theme to indicate

- Author to indicate - theme to indicate

- Moderator of the Session - Prof. Dr. Mário Pereira (ESTG Leiria)

11:00 - Coffee break

11:30 - SP2 - Title to be defined

- Author to indicate - theme to indicate

- Author to indicate - theme to indicate

- Author to indicate - theme to indicate

- Session Moderator - Prof. Dr. Carla Barros (IPC)

12:45 - Lunch

15:00 - SP3 - Title to be indicated

- Author to indicate - theme to indicate

- Author to indicate - theme to indicate

- Session Moderator - Prof. Dr. Marta Vasconcelos (ESTeS)

16:00 - Coffee break

16:30 - General panel in the main auditorium

31th Octobre

Day dedicated to Mini-Courses - West Wing Galleries Rooms of Magalhães Pessoa Stadium

09:00 - Mini-Courses (4 hours) (30 vacancies each)
- to be indicated soon     

14:00 - Mini-Courses (4 hours) (30 vacancies each)
- to be indicated soon

09:00 - Mini-Courses (8 hours) (30 vacancies each)
- to be indicated soon

09:00 - Mini-Courses (16 hours) (30 vacancies each)
- to be indicated soon

11:00 - Coffee break

13:00 - Lunch

16:00 - Coffee break

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